We are now people who eat in different ways. EATGREEN offers a wide range of high-quality, healthful food ingredient options for vegetarians, meat lovers and everyone in between. Eat with confidence and feel great about your health and the environment. Eat conveniently with same day delivery direct to your door. Eat knowing that your choices nourish you, your family and the planet!


Encourage Health and Pleasure in Equal Measure.

Choose from a delicious selection of quality plant-based proteins, locally sourced produce, ethically farmed proteins, dairy alternative products, and other superfoods that pave the way for a healthier and more sustainable kitchen for planet-friendly eating.

What is Green Eating?

Simply, Green Eating is sustainable eating! A diet that’s healthy for you and for the planet – win, win!

We can start eating green by adopting a predominantly plant-based diet, choosing ethically-sourced and raised animal products, selecting responsibly-grown seasonal veggies and fruits, eating locally-sourced food, and reducing food waste!

EATGREEN is now on MeatMarket

We've joined forces with MeatMarket to bring you a more complete online groceries experience! Shop now for fresh product, sustainable seafod, plant-based proteins, and more!